# References JS: Getting Started Tutorials (opens new window)
Shader Park provides a set of built in functions to help you create your sculptures.
# Geometry
# Primitives
sphere, box, boxFrame, torus, line, cylinder, grid
# Construction Modes
union, difference, blend, intersect, mixGeo
# Modifiers
# Composition
# Coordinate Space Modifiers
mirrorX, mirrorY, mirrorZ, mirrorXYZ, mirrorN
# Material
# Lighting
# Input
# Space and Time
# Interactive
input, mouse, mouseIntersection,
glslFunc, glslFuncES3, glslSDF
# Math
sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, nsin
exp, log, exp2, log2
pow, sqrt, inversesqrt
mod, fract, abs, sign, floor, ceil
min, max, clamp, mix, smoothstep,
length, distance, dot, cross, normalize, reflect, refract
toSpherical, fromSpherical
# Algorithms
# Constants
# Global Settings
setGeometryQuality, setStepSize, setMaxIterations
If you see artifacting / distortions in your shape you will most likely need to increase the geometry quality.
This is no built in scale function because it quickly distorts the objects. This can however be achieved using setSpace.
# Known Issues / WIP
length, distance, dot, and normalize work only with with vec3s
pow, mod, min, max, atan, clamp, mix, and smoothstep work only with floats.
branching / using if statements that reference built-in variables will not work. Specifically variables like vec2, vec3, vec4, or using input variables like time. Eg:
if(time > 100) {
//do something